Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/2024
The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/2024 (5th edition) delivers a comprehensive, data-driven evaluation of how the European Union, its member states, and partner countries are progressing toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With the recent European Parliament Elections, the formation of a new College of European Commissioners, and the upcoming UN Summit of the Future, this edition outlines 10 key actions for the new EU leadership to fast-track SDG implementation both within Europe and globally. In an increasingly fragmented and multipolar world, the report underscores the urgent need for the EU to take bold steps to prevent critical environmental and social tipping point.

Transformative Approaches to Climate Adaptation in Europe: Enroll in the New MOOC by IMPETUS in collaboration with the SDGAcademy
Are you ready to take action against climate change? Climate adaptation is no longer a distant goal—it’s an immediate necessity. As the world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, Europe is leading the

SDSN Networks Kicks Off New Projects on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network is excited to announce the launch of several projects geared toward tackling climate change adaptation. Among these, the EU-funded CARMINE project and the Pathfinder Initiative

Climate Change Adaptation in Spain: Enhancing Impact through Multi-Actor Collaboration
How can Spain advance in climate change adaptation? The EU Mission: Adaptation to Climate Change aims to help European regions better understand the current and future climate risks, develop strategies

Ahead of the June European Election, a new SDSN Report Details Priority Actions to Lay the Foundation for a New European Deal for the Future
The Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24 (ESDR), a new report released today produced by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in collaboration with SDSN Europe and the European Economic

A look back at 2023: A year of Policy Advocacy for SDSN Europe
2023 has marked a significant milestone for SDSN Europe as a leading force in the realm of policy advocacy. The year was highlighted by two pivotal achievements: SDSN Europe’s