Second ARSINOE Open Tender for Climate Adaptation Innovations

ARSINOE has announced the launch of the 2nd Open Tenders for Innovations. We are seeking solutions that can help our regions and communities across Europe increase their resilience to extreme heat, water scarcity, drought, water pollution, and/or floods.

ARSINOE is an EU-funded project aimed at creating climate-resilient regions through systemic solutions and innovations. In 2023 the project is launching a series of open tenders to take stock of innovative climate adaptation solutions from across Europe. The aim is to identify promising or mature innovations that can help our case study regions become more climate resilient.

Applications will be evaluated and the selected ones can receive up to EUR 50.000 for demonstration activities in our 12 participating case studies across Europe. This is a chance to showcase your innovation, make it fit the needs of real end-users, and potentially meet prospective clients.

Application Period: November 21, 2023 – January 8, 2024

Online Info-Sessions: December 12, 2023, at 14:00 CET, and January 5, 2024, at 14:00 CET

For more details, please visit:

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