COP 27 to host a first-ever Mediterranean Pavilion

Throughout the two weeks of the COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, the first Mediterranean Pavilion will host numerous activities and gather key actors of the region. On November 9, Professor Riccaboni, Co-chair of SDSN Europe and Chair of PRIMA, will coordinate the session “Sustainable agrifood systems as a lever for climate neutrality and food security: the role of partnership and cooperation in research and innovation”

From 6 to 18 November, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, COP27 will be hosting a Mediterranean Pavilion for the first time. The initiative is conceived to highlight the urgent challenges the region is facing and the innovative solutions already being developed throughout the Mediterranean, raising awareness of a region overlooked in climate negotiations.

Located in the COP27 Blue zone, the Mediterranean Pavilion will host relevant events and working meetings and provide an exceptional opportunity to highlight these severe challenges as well as to illustrate, share, scale up and discuss the advanced adaptation and mitigation initiatives applied and planned in the region.

In particular, on November 9th, Professor Angelo Riccaboni, Co-chair of SDSN Europe, Chair of SDSN Mediterranean, and Chair of PRIMA, will coordinate the hybrid event organized by PRIMA, “Sustainable agrifood systems as a lever for climate neutrality and food security: the role of partnership and cooperation in research and innovation”. Professor Jeffrey Sachs, president of the SDSN will deliver the keynote speech, and the panel will be composed of Professor Phoebe Kounduri, Co-chair of SDSN Europe, Arianna Giuliodori, Secretary General WFO, Heba Al Hariry, FAO NENA Regional Office, John Bell, Director Healthy Planet, DG Research and Innovation at European Commission, and Stefano Gatti, Special Envoy for Food Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The final remarks will be delivered by Mohamed El-Shinawi, Co-Chair PRIMA Foundation. Please join the event via this link and find more information on the event here.

The Mediterranean Pavilion is conceived as a space for all regional actors – public and private, scientific and academic, technical, policymaking, civil society, finance, and business – to face the climate crisis in and around the Mediterranean Sea.

Following a summer dominated by climate and environmental emergencies across the region, and within the context of a global climate crisis, the Mediterranean area faces challenges of its own that can lead to regional instability: extremely severe heat waves on land, sea level rise and drought impacts – it is the planet’s second-fastest warming region (warming 20% faster than the global average)– overlapping with a dangerous socio-economic asymmetry and lack of integration. But the Mediterranean is also a hub for emerging solutions – public policies and private initiatives – that can serve as a blueprint for similar efforts to be scaled up globally.

An effective and rapid transition requires a joint effort by all the relevant actors. The Pavilion is meant to serve the region and will operate as a hub for activities and partnerships undertaken by regional public institutions, civil society organizations, and private sector entities catalyzing a sustainable transition through collective and scalable innovation.

Please find more information here: 

All the live streaming of the Med Pavilion events is available here: 

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