6th International Conference on Future Education- Call for Contributors

This conference is conducted by a consortium of partners, promoting education for human security, in support of the global campaign of Human Security for All, an initiative of the UN Trust Fund for Human Security and WAAS.



It is widely recognized that reform in the educational system is urgently needed to address the pressing challenges confronting humanity. Reform needs to encompass changes in pedagogy, knowledge-content and delivery systems. The 2021 UNESCO report ‘Reimagining our Futures Together‘ calls for a new social contract for education that is holistic and student-centred, emphasizes transdisciplinary learning, and is organized around the principles of cooperation and collaboration. The work of the United Nations on human security stresses the need for an integrated, human-centered, conception of knowledge relevant and applicable to promote peace, human rights, human security and sustainable development for all. There is also an urgent need to develop accessible, affordable, world-class delivery systems capable of making this knowledge available to all who seek it.

This event will be the sixth in a series that includes five international conferences on future education at UC Berkeley (2013), Rome (2015), Rio de Janeiro (2017), Belgrade (2019) and online (2021). It is intended to generate awareness and initiate active discussion among leading educators and policy-makers on the central importance of the United Nations’ Human Security Approach as an integrating framework for educational reform. Its theme is aligned with the principles that the UNESCO roadmap charted out in the 2022 report ‘Beyond Limits: New Ways to Reinvent Higher Education‘, namely, inclusion, equity, participation of all stakeholders, critical thinking, creativity, sustainability, social responsibility and values.

The conference will be followed by a publication of selected papers in book form by Springer.



The conference is intended to be a highly interactive exchange of views centered around critical questions, issues, opportunities, challenges and solutions. The format of sessions will include special issue-based sessions, moderated panel discussions, short presentation roundtables, and presentation of papers. Contributors are invited to propose session topics, questions for discussion, ideas and strategies to address specific needs as well as proposals to organize sessions which include specific speakers. This call is for CONTRIBUTORS FOR ALL THESE FORMATS.

Call for Contributors

Invitation to submit proposals for session topics, questions for discussion, strategies to address specific needs as well as presentations, papers and proposals to organize special sessions. Maximum length of proposals 250 words. Proposals are invited for submission by January 20, 2023. Fill this form to send your proposals.

Participating Organizations

  • World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) – founded in 1960 as a transnational, transdisciplinary forum dedicated to addressing the pressing global challenges confronting humanity today. Based in California, Special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), consultative status by UNESCO, and partner with UNTFHS on HS4A, a global campaign on human security.
  • World University Consortium (WUC) – a 501 (c)(3) California non-profit corporation established by WAAS and partner organizations including the International Association of University Presidents, Library of Alexandria, The Mother’s Service Society, Person-Centered Approach Institute, and others.
  • National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) – a public university of Romania founded in 1991.
  • SDSN Europe – is comprised of 15 national and regional networks of universities and knowledge institutions across Europe. It supports and advocates for the alignment of European policies with the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement.
  • Black Sea Universities Network(BSUN) – cooperation framework of 120 universities from the 12 member countries from the Black Sea Region.

Visit the official website here.



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